Keto: What to Avoid

Keto: What to Avoid


Following a keto diet shouldn't be hard, but with so much misinformation on the internet, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. This guide will show you what to avoid in the keto diet for following a keto diet healthy.

  • Avoid eating foods high in fat.

Although the keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet, you must still avoid eating too much fat. Eating too much fat can make your food taste gross, kick you out of ketosis and possibly lead to poor heart health. Instead of eating fatty cuts of meat, opt for leaner cuts instead.

Here are some examples of high-fat foods to avoid on the keto diet:

  1. Cheese (full-fat)
  2. Salami
  3. Mayonnaise
  4. Olive oil
  5. Nuts and seeds (walnuts, cashews, peanuts and chia seeds)
  • Avoid processed and packaged food on a keto diet.

It may seem like a no-brainer, but don't fall for the processed foods that masquerade as keto-friendly. Low carb doesn't always mean low in calories, so don't assume that just because you see a "keto" label on a snack you can eat as much of it as you want. Avoiding processed foods is a good rule of thumb in general, but it's especially important to be mindful when you're trying to stay in ketosis. The best way to do this is to stick with whole, unprocessed foods and avoid packaged meals and snacks.

  • Avoid fruit on a keto diet.

It's best to avoid fruit on a keto diet, especially if you're new to the diet. Fruit is naturally high in sugar and carbs, so you should avoid it as much as possible.

While there are several fruits that are lower in carbs, they're still higher in sugar than other foods. For example, one small apple contains 19 grams of carbs and 15 grams of sugar.

You may be able to occasionally have a small piece of fruit when you're first starting a keto diet. However, over time you will likely need to cut out all forms of fruit because of their carb content

  • Avoid eating too much protein on a keto diet.

If you eat too much protein, you can make it more difficult for your body to shed excess glucose, which is a byproduct of protein. This means that there will be more glucose in your blood stream and your body will have to process it all. Glucose is the easiest type of energy for the body to convert into usable energy, and this means that the glucose will be converted into fat for storage. This causes weight gain, which is why many people experience weight gain when they start eating too much protein on a keto diet. Eating too much protein can also increase your risk for developing type II diabetes because it can cause your body to become insulin resistant, meaning that it cannot properly use the insulin available in your body.

  • Avoid eating starchy vegetables on the keto diet.

Starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and squash are often considered a healthy choice on other diets because they're packed with fiber and micronutrients. They're also delicious! But unfortunately, they contain too many carbs to be included in a keto diet. With so many other tasty options available on the keto diet, there's really no need to compromise by eating starchy vegetables.

  • Avoid any kind of alcoholic drink on a keto diet, especially those with added sugars.

Any kind of alcoholic drink can slow down weight loss, so it's advised to avoid them on a keto diet. Not only that, but alcohol can also mess with your ability to reach the state of ketosis. Alcohol has been shown to increase appetite and temporarily impair judgment and self-control, which may lead to eating more or making other poor food choices (1). On top of that, alcohol is broken down in the liver and turned into acetate, which can be used as fuel for the body instead of fatty acids (2). The good news about going out for drinks on keto is that you can enjoy some low-carb alcoholic beverages, such as spirits like vodka or tequila mixed with club soda.

Takeaway: The key is to be mindful about what you eat, and avoid foods that are unhealthy or high in carbs.

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